Who walks around in bare feet at lot of the time? Me!! I then don't spend enough time looking after the skin on my feet, which is fine until the warmer weather and the flip flops come out!

So I decided to make these great Moisturising Lotion Bars, which are super easy to make and great to use on their own or alongside the foot scrub! I made them so that they are fairly small and fit neatly into the hand so you can use to help moisturise and nourish the skin on your feet or anywhere else that your skin is feeling a little dry.
They are so moisturising, smell fab and they don't leave your skin greasy, all the goodness is absorbed straight away and your skin feels amazing.
I used Citrus Bliss Essential Oil and put dried Rose Petals into
some of them.
So.....here's the recipe, enjoy making them and please share your creations on either my Facebook or Instagram pages.
You will need:
Two thirds cup of beeswax (if you don't like to use beeswax you can substitute with soy wax)
Half cup of coconut oil
Half cup of cocao butter
1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
15 drops doTERRA essential oil(s). I used Citrus Bliss oil - you can add more drops if you want a stronger smell, you may need more if you are using a citrus oil than if you were say using peppermint.
Put all ingredients, except the essential oils, into a large glass jar (I used a glass measuring jug), place the jar into a saucepan with one to one and a half inches of boiling water, stir ingredients until combined. Once melted, remove from heat. Let rest for 3 mins. Add the essential oils and stir. Pour mixture into a silicone mould. If you want to make an exfoliating bar add oatmeal to the bottom of the moulds. Let the mixture harden for 2 to 3 hours and store in a container until ready to use. Enjoy!